We believe your massage should be as unique as you are. We tailor your session to fit your exact needs. Every session may utilize various types of massage to provide the best experience possible.

"Jenna provides a relaxing, targeted, soothing massage. If you are looking for a professional, customized, high quality deep tissue massage, Jenna is extremely talented and I highly recommend her/Massage Eminence."
"I recently had a massage at Massage Eminence in Quechee and found the entire setting and experience to be peaceful, relaxing and calming. My massage with Jenna was outstanding-providing deep relaxation as well as much needed targeted therapeutic deep tissue work. I found Jenna to be very skilled at working areas that needed attention. The massage had flow, continuity and purpose while I literally melted into the cozy warmed table on a cold winter day! She spent time after the massage instructing me on some follow up techniques to do at home for a specific area that needs more work. I highly recommend this beautiful new spa experience."
"Jordan (Jenna) provided me with the best massage I have ever had! It's not a one-size-fits-all massage, but she takes the time to learn your specific needs and targets those. I can't recommend her enough! I have never felt so relaxed, mellow, and flexible as I have after her massage. She's the BEST!!!"

Contact Us
Open 9:00 to 6:00
7 days a week by appointment only
802-249-4751 | massageeminence@gmail.com
6985 Woodstock Rd, Quechee, VT 05059